GLR Massage Therapies & TMJ Specialist
Sports Massage
Deep Tissue Masssage
On site chair Massage
TMJ Massage
Welcome to my page GLR Massage therapies & TMJ Specialist
I’m passionate about helping my patients achieve a pain free and more relaxed life.
I’ve 25 years experience in dentistry, qualified in massage therapy & completed
specialist training in TMJ massage.
I offer Sports massage, deep tissue massage, Chair massage and TMJ
I started my journey with TMJ massage as a result of suffering for years with TMJD myself and many others in our profession, although I wore a night guard I was still suffering. I completed my TMJ massage course and started treating myself , friends and colleagues with much success. I mixing my dental knowledge and my years of jaw, neck, back and shoulder pain with my massage skills.
I'm Based in South Lakes just outside Kendal in Old Hutton In the comfort of my own
home. It is peaceful off the main road with private parking.
I can offer a mobile service and on site chair massage for group bookings or even in the work place.
email, ring, text, Whatsapp or messenger to book an appointment or more information.
Accepting referrals
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